NIOO-CEMO is Co-ordinator and:
- guides the total process of inventories, integration, meetings
and workshops, and guards the milestones and deadlines.
- chairs the steering committee. The steering comittee controls the
progress of the Concerted Action, gives information and advise to
leaders of the Workpackages, and helps to prepare workshops. There
will be 4 steering committee meetings at intervals of approximately
8 months.
- provides help to the Workpackage Leaders (members 2 to 4) and
Regional Co-ordinators (members 5 to 10) for organising regional
meetings (3 regions, 1 meeting per region per year).
- organises and chairs the general workshops, and is leading
institute for (chairing) the Euroconference.
- gives, through 2 representatives, input to the 2 meetings and 2
workshops (each lasting 3 days) within all 3 Workpackages, by
presenting information on biodiversity research in its country.
- monitors the expenditures and decides on redistribution of
reasonable costs between members if necessary.
- invites external experts (including experts from European
countries not yet involved in the Concerted Action) to some or all
of the meetings when and where needed (financed partly by a 50 Euro
fixed contribution per day by members to the organisational costs of
meetings and workshops, and partly by funds becoming available if
one or both representatives of the Member Institutes are unable to
attend a meeting).
- takes at the end of each operational year care of publishing the
progress on the Concerted Action in a special issue of the European
Union for Coastal Conservation (EUCC) magazine and on the web-site
of the MARS Network.
- is final responsible for dissemination of reports, outlines and
recommendations at conferences, at the web-site, and in
international journals and reports for specialists (students,
researchers) and non specialist (including regional and local