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A selection of general biodiversity links is given below. Over the course of the project we invite you to send us links to your marine biodiversity research sites.

  • ASEAN Regional Centre for Biodiversity Conservation - ARCBC serves as the central focus for networking and institutional linkage among ASEAN Member Countries (AMCs) and between ASEAN and European Union (EU) partner organizations to enhance the capacity of ASEAN in promoting biodiversity conservation. ARCBC is linked to a National Biodiversity Reference Unit (NBRU) established within an existing institution in each ASEAN member country. The NBRU interfaces the ARCBC with the national authorities and institutions, provides local instruments for in-country follow-up of project activities and constitutes a first reference for screening of research proposals for formal endorsement to ARCBC.
  • BIOSIS - Advancing the knowledge base of biology by organizing information to support the needs of researchers in all settings
  • Convention on Biological Diversity - main website for the Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  • DIVERSITAS is an international global environmental change research programme sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), SCOPE (Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment), IUBS (International Union of Biological Sciences), IUMS (International Union of Microbiological Societies) and UNESCO-MAB (Man and the Biosphere).
  • Global Biodiversity Forum - an independent and open mechanism to analyze and discuss priority ecological, economic, institutional and social issues related to the options for action to conserve biodiversity, and use biological resources sustainably and equitably.
  • IBOY - International Biodiversity Observation Year 2001-2002
  • ILDIS HomepageThe International Legume Database & Information Service is an international project which aims to document and catalogue the world's legume species diversity in a readily accessible form
  • International Union of Biological Sciences, Taxonomic Database Working Group- aiming to provide an international forum for biological data projects, to develop and promote the use of standards and to facilitate data exchange
  • Internet Biodiversity Service - tools for searching for biodiversity information on the Internet.
  • Species 2000 - Indexing the World's Known Speciesaims to catalogue all known species of plants, animals, fungi and microbes on Earth as the baseline dataset for studies of global biodiversity.
  • United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP
  • Eco-Portal - The EnvironmentalSustainability.Info source an information gateway empowering the movement for environmental sustainability
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  • EIONET - European Environment Information and Observation Network Networking improving Europe's environment
  • BioCISE-Homepage - Resource Identification for a Biological Collection Information Service in Europe
  • ECNC homepage - The European Centre for Nature Conservation
  • European Science Foundation - ESF including Eurocores website details
  • European Community Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism - The European Community Clearing House Mechanism under the Convention on Biological Diversity (EC-CHM) , whose pilot phase was launched on 8 June 2000, is a one-stop-shop for such information. It offers, in particular, information on policies, legislation, funding opportunities, databases, sources of expertise, etc held by European Community institutions and has links to other institutions and organisations (governmental, private and NGOs). It also links to web sites of global organisations such as the CBD Secretariat. It is an important tool for promoting and facilitating scientific and technological co-operation not only within Europe but also with countries around the world, especially with developing countries.
  • National Biodiversity Network - union of like minded organisations that are collaborating to create an information network of biodiversity data that is accessible through the Internet in the UK.
  • Biodiversity and WORLDMAP - measuring the variety of nature and selecting priority areas for conservation
  • ETI - Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification
United States
  • Smithsonian Institute Natural History Web Research & Collections - links to the Smithsonian Institutes biological collections
  • Phycological Society of America- scientific organisation that promotes phycology (the study of algae) and fosters phycological research and education
  • Integrated Taxanomic Information Systems collaboration of organizations, and taxonomic specialists on the development of an on-line, scientifically credible, list of biological names focusing on the biota of North America.
  • National Biological Information Infrastructure - The NBII is a broad, collaborative program to provide increased access to data and information on the nation's biological resources. The NBII links diverse, high-quality biological databases, information products, and analytical tools maintained by NBII partners and other contributors in government agencies, academic institutions, non-government organizations, and private industry. NBII partners and collaborators also work on new standards, tools, and technologies that make it easier to find, integrate, and apply biological resources information. Resource managers, scientists, educators, and the general public use the NBII to answer a wide range of questions related to the management, use, or conservation of this nation's biological resources.

Website created by EcoServe, now maintained and hosted by VLIZ